Echinacea, Sweet Sandia
Echinacea, Sweet Sandia
Echinacea, Sweet Sandia
Echinacea, Sweet Sandia
Echinacea, Sweet Sandia
Echinacea, Sweet Sandia
Echinacea, Sweet Sandia
Echinacea, Sweet Sandia

Echinacea, Sweet Sandia


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Splashy color all summer that pollinators can't resist!
Watermelon-colored petals with juicy pink centers and lime green tips sweeten borders from summer into fall. Bees and butterflies find the bright red-orange cones irresistible! The plant’s compact habit makes it a perfect fit for smaller gardens.

From Seed Indoors

Start: Feb 09 - Feb 23

Transplant: Mar 09 - May 04

Fall Start: Aug 23 - Sep 06

Fall Transplant: Sep 06 - Oct 18

From Plant

Start: Mar 09 - May 04

Fall Transplant: Sep 06 - Oct 18

  • Many gardeners do not cut back perennial flower seed heads in the fall, but wait until early spring before the new foliage appears. This provides food for wildlife over the winter.
  • Cut flowers when blooms open. Cones may also be cut for dried arrangements.
  • Echinacea is a terrific plant for the pollinator garden.